The XX International Protea Association Conference will be taking place from March 30 – April 4, 2025 at Temecula Creek Inn in California. The theme is “United by Proteas” and preprations are well underway! The 2025 schedule will include best practices, fresh ideas, creative solutions and networking opportunities with over 100 professionals from around the world. Protea researchers and experts will come together to provide you and your team with the knowledge and tools you need to become more efficient, productive, and prepared for the future. For more information visit the International Protea Association Conference website at
Conferences intro
The IPA was started in 1981 as a forum for growers, researchers, plant breeders, nurserymen, and sales and marketing companies to work together for the expansion and development of the international protea industry
The IPWG, started in 1986, is a specialised group of the Ornamentals Section of the International Society of Horticultural Scientists (ISHS), and is the research arm of the IPA. Joint meetings of the IPA and the IPWG have been held every two to four years since inception, with the resultant publication of the proceedings of symposia in nine series of Acta Horticulturae to date.
The format of joint industry and researcher meetings has been very successful in creating an environment for communication and cooperation across the global protea industry. The formal interest of the IPA and IPWG is targeted to South African and Australian Proteaceae, however the products that most participants in the global “protea” industry work with include all South African and Australian native flora.
Conference Archive
XIV Protea Research Symposium and the XIX International Protea Association Conference.

XVIII International Protea Association Conference, II International Symposium on Ornamentals and XIII International Protea Research Symposium

VIII International Symposium on New Ornamental Crops, XII International Protea Research
Symposium and XVII International Protea Association Conference
This event was organized by Dr. Eduardo Olate P. Universidad Católica de Chile and Ms. Flavia Schiappacasse Universidad de Talca in conjunction with IPA Board members and was supported by the International Society of Horticulture Science (ISHS). The goal of the Conference and Symposium is to highlight the most recent and exiting developments in growing and researching Proteaceous species around the globe, with an emphasis on quality management and production, propagation, ecology, pre and post-harvest physiology, storage and transport technologies, pest and disease management, flowering manipulation and all quality aspects throughout the supply chain, marketing and distribution systems.
16th IPA (International Protea Association) Conference and the XIth IPWG Symposium, Acta Horticulturae in press
15th IPA conference Lisbon, Portugal, August 2010
The 15th International Protea Association conference and Xth International Protea Working Group Symposium were held in Lisbon in conjunction with the International Horticulture Congress (IHC) from 25 to 28 August 2010. The IPA organised a pre-conference tour to Holland to visit flower businesses and the flower market, Flora Holland, at Aalsmeer.
25 to 28 August, 2010. Xth IPWG Symposium, Acta 937
(Lisbon Report and Minutes of the 15th IPA General Meeting available to members)
3-6 September, 2008. IXth IPWG Symposium, Acta 869
(Minutes of the 14th IPA General Meeting available to members)
30 March to 4 April, 2006. VIIIth IPWG Symposium, Acta 805
(Minutes of the 13th IPA General Meeting available to members)
April 3-7, 2004. VIIth IPWG Symposium, Acta 716
April 2002, VIth IPWG Symposium, Acta 602
September 2000. Vth IPWG Symposium, Acta 545
No IPWG symposium, no Acta published
17-21 March, 1996. IVth IPWG Symposium, Acta 453
10-15 October, 1993. III rd IPWG Symposium Acta 387
2-7 September, 1990., International Workshop on Intensive cultivation of Protea, Acta 316
II nd IPWG Symposium, Acta 264
28-29 August, 1985. Ist IPWG Symposium, Acta 185
Melbourne, Australia, 1981