About IPA-Protea



Growers, breeders, technical advisors and marketers are represented by the International Protea Association (IPA) and researchers and educators by the International Protea Working Group (IPWG). The IPWG is a specialised group of the Ornamentals Section of the International Society of Horticultural Scientists (ISHS).  Since this first joint meeting communication between growers and researchers has continued, with the publication of 8 Acta Horticulturae reporting proceedings of IPWG symposia.

The IPA currently has over 100 members, representing protea producers, marketers and researchers from Australia, Chile, China, Columbia, Ecuador, France, Holland, Israel, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, USA and Zimbabwe.  The participation of other countries is welcomed as the industry expands.

IPA Structure

All IPA council members must be full individual members of IPA. Member countries/ regions are approved by the IPA Council as having a significant industry, and sufficient cooperation to be seen to be capable of electing a true representative. Any region or country is welcome to apply to the council for member status. The IPA currently recognises China, Ecuador, Columbia and Peru as Affiliate Countries with no representation on the IPA Council.

IPA Council (2022-2025):

Australia: Paul Daily
Azores: Tiago Freitas
California: Ismael Resendiz
Canary Islands: Antonio Lopez
Chile: Christina Gregorczyk
Hawaii: Patrick Nelson
Israel: Yechiel Steinmetz
New Zealand: Vania Allen
Portugal: Mário Oliveira
South Africa: Karien Bezuidenhout
Zimbabwe: Maria Saywood
Countries with IPA observer status: Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It was proposed and approved that Eliyau Perez will represent the South America countries.

IPA Board (2022-2025):

President: Ismael Resendiz
Vice-president: Diana Roy
Treasurer:  Lynn Hoffman
Secretary:  Eugenie-Lien Louw
IPWG president: Eugenie-Lien Louw
Members at large:  Vania Allen &
Maria Dragovic

IPWG Executive:

The International Protea Working Group (IPWG) is the research section of the IPA. It is affiliated to and approved by the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS).

IPWG President: Eugenie-Lien Louw


The IPA constitution was first drafted and approved by IPA members in Seattle in 1983. The current constitution reflects the progress that the industry has made in incorporating amendments approved by members in Cape Town 1985, New Zealand 1987, Perth 1991, Harare 1993, Tel Aviv 1996 and Cape Town 1998, and in Lisbon 2010.


It was agreed that the word “Protea” encompasses genera of the Proteaceae family such as Protea, Leucospermum, Leucadendron, Orothamnus, Paranomus, Mimetes and Serruria from South Africa.  Also included are many Australian genera such as:  Adenanthos, Conospermum, Isopogon, Petrophila, Banksia, Grevillea, Hakea, Lamberta and Telopea.

The first joint meeting between protea growers and researchers was held in 1986. Growers were represented by the International Protea Association (IPA) and researchers by the International Protea Working Group (IPWG).  Since this first joint meeting, communication between growers and researchers has continued, with the publication of 9 Acta Horticulturae reporting proceedings of IPWG symposia.

“The International Society for Horticultural Science – in short ISHS – has over 7,000 Individual Members from all over the world, a substantial number of Institutional Members and some 50 Member States/Countries. It is a major source of up-to-date information on global horticultural research. ISHS aims to promote research in all branches of horticulture. It encourages the development of international co-operation, bringing together scientific and technical professionals to stimulate, facilitate and co-ordinate research and scientific activities on a global scale.”

The aim of the ISHS is “…to promote and encourage research and education in all branches of horticultural science and to facilitate cooperation and knowledge transfer on a global scale through its symposia and congresses, publications and scientific structure.” Membership is open to all interested researchers, educators, students and horticultural industry professionals.”

International Proteaceae Register

The International Protea Register provides for registration of cultivar names of all genera of the Family Proteaceae, excluding the Australian genera. All genera that fall within the scope of this Register are included in this publication.

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