The IPA offers researchers, propagators, producers, marketers, breeders and educators an open forum of communication and friendship to promote and expand the industry for the benefit of all.
The family Proteaceae has seventy three genera and more than 1500 species occurring predominately in the Southern hemisphere. Proteaceae naturally occur in temperate and sub-tropical climates on acidic sandy soils with low fertility. Australia has the greatest diversity with forty-two genera and over 850 species. South Africa has fourteen genera and more than 330 species. Other regions with native Proteaceae include South America, China, southern India, south-east Asia, Madagascar, New Caledonia and other Pacific islands.
The International Protea Association represents all links in the Value Chain of global commercial protea production. The IPA offers researchers, propagators, producers, marketers, breeders and educators an open forum of communication and friendship to promote and expand the industry for the benefit of all. The IPA started in 1984, and since then has grown to include 15 member countries. Those member countries with a National association or co-ordinated group are invited to elect a representative to the IPA Council. Details of member countries and representatives are listed under IPA structure.
Vision and Mission
The objective of the organisation is to develop the Proteaceae
plant and cut-flower industry by:
1. Gathering and disseminating information, or the source of information on all aspects of the production of plants, the management of plantations, and the handling of flowers and marketing, world-wide. 2. Stimulating interest in research in all aspects of the industry. 3. Organising conferences, workshops and other meetings for those involved with the industry. 4. Supporting and participating in any other activity in the development and coordination of the industry as may be determined by the organisation.